"User profile cannot be loaded" - A reproducible bug that can - Microsoft Community

reproducible bug widespread influences can caused deleting files , unknown factors , can lead error message "user profile cannot loaded".
apps need sign in microsoft account, results cannot sign in microsoft account anyway, , "sign in microsoft account instead" or "sign in local account instead" , rapidly crash without error messages when working.

please notably note following 4 points:

1. v1703 bug.

in v1507, v1511, v1607, may exist, not apparent serious , direct impacts.
apparently occurs in v1703 build 15063.0 latest build 15063.540, perhaps continue occur in v1709 coming soon.

2. can caused deleting files, however, deleting files cannot let occur.

bug differs 2 bugs in previous thread.

there unknown factors in order make occur, after deleting files, need wait 1 or 2 days, , occur. unknown factor(s) can called x factor(s). can't figured out x factor(s) are. windows update? or other thing(s)? many people confused @ this. maybe people of microsoft can figure out.

3. people see partial impact of bug when occurs.

examples, people see mail app has problem can't sign in microsoft account when bug occurs, such in following 3 threads:

windows 10 getting error message (0x80070425) when adding account in mail app

can't add gmail account windows 10 mail app

windows 10 getting error message 0x801901f4 when trying add account in mail app

in following thread, user can see bug's impact covered store , cortana:

error 0x80072eff (windows 10)

in fact, bug's impact covered apps or settings need sign in microsoft account, such feature of "sign in microsoft account instead" or "sign in local account instead" in system's "accounts" settings, apps of store, cortana, mail, calendar, feedback hub, onenote , on. 

know, in windows 7 there error messages when app crashing, in windows 10 app crash without error messages.
in country, people invented word describe manifestation of apps unexpectedly quiting -- shantui(閃退), means windows 10 app crashes without error messages flash of lightning.
when bug occurs, run "sign in microsoft account instead" or "sign in local account instead" in system's "accounts" settings, meet "shantui".

users ask questions in microsoft community or other forums point out partial impacts of bug, , replies give solutions partial impacts, , solutions not solved bug after tried. ( if problems not caused bug, might solved solutions.)

4. now, no helpful solutions have been found bug.

no bug occurs after upgraded v1507 v1511 v1607, after upgraded v1703, found bug occurs.
tried many solutions had been searched, didn't work.
in latest build 15063.540, bug still hasn't been fixed microsoft.

what can lead bug?

run following 2 batch files administrator:

/f "delims=" %%d in ('dir %%userprofile%%\desktop.ini /a /s /b') (
takeown /f "%%d" /a
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%d"
rd /s /q "%userprofile%\application data"
rd /s /q "%userprofile%\cookies"
rd /s /q "%userprofile%\local settings"
rd /s /q "%userprofile%\my documents"
rd /s /q "%userprofile%\nethood"
rd /s /q "%userprofile%\pictures\camera roll"
rd /s /q "%userprofile%\pictures\saved pictures"
rd /s /q "%userprofile%\printhood"
rd /s /q "%userprofile%\sendto"
rd /s /q "%userprofile%\start menu"
rd /s /q "%userprofile%\templates"
rd /s /q "%userprofile%\documents\my music"
rd /s /q "%userprofile%\documents\my pictures"
rd /s /q "%userprofile%\documents\my videos"
del /a /f /q "%systemdrive%\bootnxt"
del /a /f /q "%systemdrive%\bootsect.bak"

/d %%d in ("%windir%\temp\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%windir%\temp\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
/d %%d in ("%temp%\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%temp%\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
/d %%d in ("%appdata%\microsoft\windows\recent\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%appdata%\microsoft\windows\recent\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
/d %%d in ("%userprofile%\appdata\locallow\microsoft\windows\appcache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%userprofile%\appdata\locallow\microsoft\windows\appcache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
del /a /f /q "%localappdata%\iconcache.db"
rd /s /q "%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\0"
rd /s /q "%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\1024"
/d %%d in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\actioncentercache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\actioncentercache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
/d %%d in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\appcache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\appcache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
/d %%d in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\application shortcuts\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\application shortcuts\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
/d %%d in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\burn\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\burn\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
del /a /f /q "%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\history\*.*"
/d %%d in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\iecompatcache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\iecompatcache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
/d %%d in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\iecompatuacache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\iecompatuacache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
/d %%d in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\iedownloadhistory\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\iedownloadhistory\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
/d %%d in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\inetcache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\inetcache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
/d %%d in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\inetcookies\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\inetcookies\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
/d %%d in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\notifications\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\notifications\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
if exist "%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\windows anytime upgrade" rd /s /q "%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\windows anytime upgrade"
/d %%d in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\pricache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\pricache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"
/d %%d in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\webcache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%d" /r /a /d y
icacls "%%d" /grant administrators:f /t /c
rd /s /q "%%d"
/f "delims=" %%f in ("%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\webcache\*.*") (
takeown /f "%%f" /a
icacls "%%f" /grant administrators:f
del /a /f /q "%%f"

after running above 2 batch files delete files , folders, not possible see bug occurs, need wait 1 or 2 days, waiting mysterious , unknown x factors work.
x factor(s)?
may 'windows update' running? may 'downloads , updates' in store running?
me, don't know is, isn't possible is.

above 2 batch files, 1 of them delthem.bat mentioned in previous thread of mine, , reduced edition;
in fact, previously, running them, ok, never lead meet bug, until updated v1703.
else, other things may have caused bug's occurring;
me, after running above 2 batch files, , wait several days, can see bug's occurring.

how determine whether bug occurred?

press windows logo key + i --> settings --> accounts,

if current account microsoft account, click on "sign in local account instead";

or, if current account local account, click on "sign in microsoft account instead".

then dialog box window of account settings' wizard within prompt of "just moment..." pops up,

then wait the progress spinning circle of dots rotating several times,
suddenly, rapidly crashes , disappears without error messages, vanishes without trace...

bug has occurred.

apps need sign in microsoft account, it results all cannot sign in microsoft account anyway.

after bug occurred, each app's error message dialog box same following prompt:

something went wrong

please try again later.


user profile cannot loaded.

send feedback


the screenshots of app's error reportings attached below:


click on user account settings' icon,

then click on "sign in",

then waiting - "just moment..."

then error message dialog box pops up.


at cortana's home, click on "cortana can more..."

then click on "sign in" button,

then waiting - "just moment..."

then error message dialog box pops up.


click on "add account",

then click on "outlook.com",

then waiting - "add account: create account...",

waiting - "just moment..."

then error message dialog box pops up.


click on "add account",

then click on "outlook.com",

then waiting - "add account: create account...",

waiting - "just moment..."

then error message dialog box pops up.

feedback hub

click on "sign in now",

then click on "microsoft account" , click on "continue" button,

then waiting - "just moment..."

then error message dialog box pops up.

delthem.bat = delthem.bat in previous thread of mine
deltemp.bat =  delsystemp.bat in previous thread of mine

previously, running these 2 batch files, ok, never lead meet bug, until updated v1703.

the users' anger , disappointment bug, obvious , not difficult imagine.

therefore, friend of mine stopped using win10 , went switch using win7.


user yusuf salur replied on april 28, 2017:
"it not working. problem still going on. i'm pay cannot right service. wasting money microsoft. not happy @ all"

another user debspreen replied on august 24, 2017:
"same problem, upgraded recent windows 10 version. using in built mail client , microsoft account. none of these fixes work."

now in latest build 15063.632, bug still hasn't been fixed microsoft.

i guess bug brought new version v1710 which will released on next month.

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows Hello, lock screen & sign-in / PC


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