I No Longer Have the Headphones Option HELP - Microsoft Community

have new lenovo yoga laptop windows 10 , accidentally deleted "headphones" selection inside "sound"  area inside "hardware , sound". see "headset", "headset earphone" and, "speakers".  i've done instructions found here: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-pictures/headphones-device-disabled/a22ee43a-c1c2-4b77-b471-b2c7d4d554c8?auth=1   but "headphones" not appear when clicking "show disabled devices" nor when clicking on "show disconnected devices" inside "playback" tab nor while inside "recording" tab.  there fix this?  began because use bluetooth headphones when i  tried going use regular wired phone-jack earbuds never worked again.  there has got others have experienced this??  frustrated... please help.  thank much!!

hi cameron,

devices quit on working caused disable driver. sort issue, suggest update audio driver following steps given on article: update driver hardware isn't working properly. click on drop downs view steps.

let know how goes.

Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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