Windows 1709 Update -- What can consumers do? - Microsoft Community

i curious if aware of sort of legislation or part of net neutrality conversation deals consumer protections? seems me programmers profit consumer purchasing more hardware & more software should not allowed push out updates brick or break our technology. phones used last years, can barely last through new "pay off" cycle. although computer broken windows 1709 update old, working fine. had i7 processor in & upgraded several components allowed me continue use it. desktop speeds have not improved , content old machine. here entities complicit in forcing me purchase new desktop computer, of stand profit using programming changes make machine inoperable.

  1. radeon no longer provides drivers graphics card , has handed on responsibility windows.
  2. microsoft windows programmed update made graphics card no longer work dual monitors.
  3. dell tech support told me unreasonable expect technology last more 3 or 4 years. , rudely told me marking system "obsolete" , no longer talk me it.

it seems me there should sort of "do no harm" provision in these updates. if machine of age, don't automatically run update!

i love know if working on contact representative it. thank you.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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