Bamboo ink stylus not working - Microsoft Community

hi, purchased bamboo ink stylus along hp pavilion x360 m1 convertible. paired stylus pc doesn't work. button functions , opens sticky note , word ink work space touch feature not work. stylus not compatlibe pc? 

hi alvaro,

there possibility issue related device driver. isolate stylus device issue, kindly perform following methods:

method 1:
1. type troubleshooting in search box , open it.
2. click on hardware , sound.
3. click on hard , devices.
4. select stylus device , follow instructions.

method 2:

1. type device manager in search box , open it.
2. check device driver errors.
3. uninstall device driver , restart computer.

method 3:

1. open device manager.
2. select device , update device driver.

feel free post results.


Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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