BSOD Jumping to BSOD at the same loop - Microsoft Community

greetings... got huge blue screens in row...
let me explain you.

bsod error ( code 0xc0000098 )

bsod error ( code 0xc0000225 )


bsod error *stop code* system thread exception not handled

bsod error *stop code* bad pool header

bsod error *stop code* irql not less or equal

bsod error *stop code* page fault no paged code in area

each time restart pc im getting new bsod error or stop code

the options go safe mode / command prompt / reinstall + recovery windows doesn't work stack on loading screen pc freezing.

can that? think did transfer windows other partition

-> tip 1 ( bios working fine )
-> tip 2 ( if try disable installation partition set im getting same errors)

hope me... im keep trying hours hours cant find solution...

im using (*1 windows 10 x64 home) ( upgraded 7 x86 *1 )

i set off 1st drive wont load anything... still bios able...

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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