All My Files Are Missing! - Microsoft Community

explain why attempting log in local account results in local , microsoft accounts being deleted, 

july 31, 2017 =  t h e   n e v e r e n d n g   m c r s o f t   m d n e s s    c o n t n u e s

have related in earlier post how login account changed (not me) (veeveegeeid to(my name - administrator).  the veeveegeeid had of preferred software , settings personalized liking , convenience.when operating systew (windows 10 w/ creator's update) mysteriously created new administrator's account in name of settings lost; cannot recover preferred acount it's downloaded , installed software.

    however, preceeding paragraph added present post bring newer readers speed on struggles windows 10 os, pre-installed on new hp 64-bit  desktop pc purchased in november, 2016.  my struggles windows 10 began in february of 2017. encourage intertested parties may have experienxced eratic behavior in wiondows 10 oiperating system  to trace thread ->->->(all files missing!) begining.
    have experiencee many problems operating system , expended time documenting how these flaws have impacted abilirty work done feel microsoft should sewnding me paycheck since have done more work them have myselg ( not mention value of wotk destroyed operating system, lost files thgat described works in progress , time have expended in documenting this).

    , on same page - here "new wrinkle" in tapestry of frustration.when administrator's account created in name (but not me) computer started particular "splash" page image have identified  "microsoft public pictures" - played slideshow of simular images changed @ half-hourly intervals.  
have been comfortable browser (yandex) installed it.  
shortly after installation of yandex noticede background had changed personal pictures had retrieved fom google drive.  i have not yet erxamined whast other changes have resulted installation of yandex broweser restart system after post.  i post anew if restart results in significant changes.  if have experienced anmy windows 10 anomales compile them part of formal complaint intend presernt microsoft.  your appreciated.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures / PC


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