Cannot sign into my Account (Admin account) after I ran a - Microsoft Community

received notification new windows 10 update 2-3 weeks ago.  i accepted udpate , informed may take longer normal run update.  update installed, either shutdown or locked computer.  the next time went sign in said password incorrect.  i tried restarting, no go.  there non-admin user account no password.  i can log that.  actually, after restart or powering on computer automatically logs other user account(most of time now).  i have tried every method find , read 30 similar questions asked here.  tried open hidden admin account doesn't work(can't admin command prompt), tried reinstall windows , go restart point need admin password both.  i have checked me keyboard, working correctly.  within last month have installed new logitech mouse using same model previously.  the update , mouse things have changed recently.  oddly, when backed files on external hard drive (preparing worst) computer asked admin permission copy pictures.  i typed in admin password , worked.  yet, cannot log admin account password log in screen or other screens.  what other options have here?


we need clarify few things better assist on concern. kindly answer following:

  • are using local administrator account or microsoft account?
  • what happens when attempt access command prompt administrator? did ask password of administrator? if so, experiencing issue when provide password?
  • does issue occur when use on-screen keyboard?
  • what troubleshooting steps you've done far?

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows Hello, lock screen & sign-in / PC


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