Acer ZC-700g receiving error 0xc0000001 Windows, BIOS, Acer, or all of - Microsoft Community

is error 0xc0000001 related windows 10 or acer?  have acer aspire zc-700g (non-touch in one).  noticed bios still runs boot efi instead of uefi.  there way correct before reseting factory?

[moved from: windows / windows 10 / install, upgrade, & activate / pc]

need create bootable installation media access repair options: boot media powering pc while pressing bios boot menu key: choose uefi version of media if offered, browse second screen repair computer link, advanced troubleshoot options - run startup repair. if fails fix problem, see additional fixes using command prompt in neosmart publication problem: feel free ask questions , let know how goes. i'll keep working until it's resolved.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures / PC


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