Win 10: start menu not working every other boot, after 1709 update - Microsoft Community

a few months ago had problem win10: blue screen every second boot. searched web , found fix, i.e. disable fast boot option in power saving options. did, , worked.

a few weeks ago installed falls creators update (aka 1709), , strange behaviour. start menu button (the window icon) totally insensitive. when click it, nothing happens. if reboot (with alt-f4, or ctrl-alt-del , task manager), goes well, i.e. after reboot start menu works regularly. however, @ next boot, start menu gets insensitive once again.

as happens every second boot, have checked "fast boot" option, thinking maybe falls creators update had turned on again. no, had not, found still disabled before update.

honestly, not sure whether problem has started occurring right after 1709 update, or few days later. sure, yet, didn't happen before 1709 update.

there detail may troubleshooting: in sessions when start menu insensitive, when reboot, system shutdown shows message "task host window stopping background tasks \microsoft]windows\plug , play\device install reboot required".

a device install every second boot? doesn't make sense...

any clue?

can possible solution. computer has been restarted 6 times without problems...

double click on value (dword): "start"
change "data" 4 ok.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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