Sound dropping in/out randomly - Microsoft Community

for long while desktop has had problem sound drops in , out seemingly randomly.  sometimes, not always, spammed messages saying i've unplugged or plugged in audio device.  often, can hear notification alert when no 1 in room computer.  it may happen couple of times or may happen repeatedly hours - few seconds @ time.  sometimes sound out few seconds - hours or days.

i've checked drivers , seem date. i'm @ loss else hardware issue - before replace sound card thought i'd ask see if else has other suggestions.  i have seen mention of similar intermittent sound problems being issue windows 10.


this issue can caused outdated audio driver.

as initial troubleshooting, try reinstalling audio driver following steps below:

  1. press windows key + x.
  2. select device manager.
  3. expand sound, video , game controllers section.
  4. right-click on name of sound card , choose properties.
  5. on driver tab, select uninstall.
  6. you may asked confirm process. if yes, check delete driver software device box , click ok.
  7. restart pc.
  8. after restarting, windows reinstall driver.

we recommend updating audio driver , see if issue persist.

update outcome can provide further assistance.

Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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