Skype Website Starts After Abandonned Update - Microsoft Community


i`ve got problem after abandonned automatic update of skype. since then, there website automatically opens @ random times:

the problem interrupts me while working on programms , extremely annoying.

i searched on internet solutions , found out there task starts website. tasks name is:


i figured out right task task scheduler, cant delete task it.

i found file of task in c:\windows\system32\tasks , tried delete it, alway got recreated somehow , dont know how/why.

here screenshots.

screenshot of website opens time

screenshot of task scheduler (aufgabenplaner)

screenshot of file in c:\windows\system32\tasks

i opened file editor. looks this.

does know how rid of taskfile good?

thanks in advance! :)

note: dont know if correct category, coulndt find proper subcategory/topic in skype category.

moved from: virus , malware / other / scanning, detecting, , removing threats / windows 10

hi selra,

there might changes in configuration of skype after failed update causes issue. if may ask, using company computer or personal? 


Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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