Could a malfunction or setting related to large one drive cloud - Microsoft Community

my internet data usage cox has spiraled out of control.  have been using 65gb per day.  data cox share me limited, believe relatively recent phenomenon.   my household 2 adults. no gaming, hd streaming or other traditional high data habits. have isolated main laptop source of of data use.  have large amount of data on laptop stored in cloud on 1 drive.  cloud backup of 1 drive data causing extreme data usage?  other ideas of how find out how data being used?


moved from: onedrive / options , settings / desktop settings / onedrive in windows 10


the issue you’ve encountered regarding data consumption on windows 10 computer may caused configuration or files mismatched. sort out concern, we’d know if have resolved issue. if yes, may know steps you’ve done?

we’re looking forward response.

Windows / Windows 10 / Network & internet


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