Can I run a windows image built for mobile on a laptop with 32gb nand - Microsoft Community

i bought leveno ideapad 100s , liked it.  in endless loop each time try power down tries install update windows.  reading, system not allow extending disk via usb , requires 20gb free space perform update.  best able 8gb of free space , still fails  fails "restore prev version"

my use of laptop limited running open office , limited browsing/email.  tickled enable mobile version of windows , dual boot linux.  thoughts on if possible?

ed seymour

*** moderator's note: post moved mobile devices / other windows mobile devices / software update / windows 10 mobile appropriate forum category. ***

hello ed,

running installation media built form mobile on machine may not work. may void device's warranty.

we recommend reset computer instead. visit this link , read article under article under the reset pc. make sure select keep files options when asked select one.

let know happens after resetting device.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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