Windows 10 Update Wi-Fi problems - Microsoft Community

after windows 1703 update wifi connects , wifi few seconds before cuts off , shows yellow signal sign , connects again inexplicably cuts off again. wifi speeds slower had before 1703 update.

i've done everything. doing netsh reset , ip reset, i've tried change mtu or in command prompt 1500 1400 , i've reset whole computer. rolled windows update problem persisting. of i'm connected small ethernet cable keeps me tethered internet. love if me. i've been trying work out past 4 days. appreciated! thank you!


we know more issue you're facing. kindly answer following:

  • when rolled back, did revert 1607 version of windows 10?
  • are having error message?

please check link troubleshoot network connection issues.

if need further assistance, let know.

Windows / Windows 10 / Network & internet / PC


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