ok so this just happened - Microsoft Community

here doing

i setting local minecraft server

after server started launched minecraft test server out

i able log local server when suddenly,

the minecraft window disappeared, thing visible border around window

nothing else worked, nothing responding on pc.

the screen went black 4 seconds

i saw google chrome 1 second windows 7 basic theme on it.

thats when server window , minecraft force closed, , 1 of google chrome extensions crashed

then went normal

i have no idea happened, there wasnt warning, no error, no alert, no nothing

please tell me happened.

wait nvm found out memory

i got log file

# there insufficient memory java runtime environment continue.
# native memory allocation (malloc) failed allocate 679536 bytes chunk::new
# possible reasons:
#   the system out of physical ram or swap space
#   in 32 bit mode, process size limit hit
# possible solutions:
#   reduce memory load on system
#   increase physical memory or swap space
#   check if swap backing store full
#   use 64 bit java on 64 bit os
#   decrease java heap size (-xmx/-xms)
#   decrease number of java threads
#   decrease java thread stack sizes (-xss)
#   set larger code cache -xx:reservedcodecachesize=
# output file may truncated or incomplete.
#  out of memory error (allocation.cpp:390), pid=11532, tid=0x0000000000000750

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures / PC


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