Can't put pc in developer mode - Microsoft Community
Windows / Windows 10 / Windows settings
hello guys,
if want put pc in developermode in cant it's greyed out , can click everywhere want wont select anything. tells :''some options managed organization'' not part of organization.
could guys please me
thanks, c.j. check if can toggle enabled not configured. same thing ones disabled. if did not help, , still developer mode greyed out, may try next method, please read caution:
the method fix issue have registry modification. before modify registry, make sure , understand how restore registry if problem occurs. please refer link: how , restore registry in windows.
launch powershell in administrator mode, , paste each line of command:
reg add "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\appmodelunlock" /t reg_dword /f /v "allowdevelopmentwithoutdevlicense" /d "1"
reg add "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\appmodelunlock" /t reg_dword /f /v "allowalltrustedapps" /d "1"
restart pc, , once it's done, please let me know.
Windows / Windows 10 / Windows settings
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