Various BSOD - Microsoft Community

i having tons of bsod on new machine , have reached wits end.  have been trying various troubleshooting ideas on multiple forums, cannot find issue.  bsod include: 1) page fault in non-page area 2) driver overran stack buffer, 3) irql not less or equal, 4)kmode exception not handled.    system ran first few weeks, bsod starting popping up. @ first thought youngster had done wrong, fequency started creeping up.  1 day, non-stop.  did full wipe , re-installed fresh.  seemed stable couple of days, errors started coming back.  thought maybe bad motherboard did rma, new board did same thing.

i have tried memtest , running again today, in previous attempt there no errors after 2 passes stopped.  plan go longer time , let complete @ least 4 passes.

i have looked @ crash dumps, , whocrashed indicates thinks driver issue, cannot figure out one.  tried verifier, not sure got results.

you should run memtest @ least 8 passes. nevertheless, 

please share minidumps for better analysis of problem. instructions can found here:

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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