windows 10 home wireless network adapter access point - Microsoft Community

well, year or bought acer aspire f15  f5-571t-569t came option upgrade windows 10 home version did right away , using currently. decided personalize settings again totally know better. not computer smart or sensible must , know better. lol. somehow managed lose wifi network adapter awhile (4ish months ago) , can't find it. might have disabled or if it's possible might have deleted it. have internet through ethernet cord. never had these when grew don't quite understand them boy can dig , screw them up. did similar thing last 2 laptops , tablet. you'd think learn. if old dogs can learn new tricks ...... thank in advance sure appreciate it.

 when did diagnostic on why wifi couldn't find network  said problems network connectivity microsoft windows version package 4.0. again,  thank you

***moved from: windows / windows 10 / network & internet / pc ***

oh ya , don't know if means ipv6 says disconnected or ipv4 does. ipv4 ethernet i'm guessing realtek driver version 10.10.714.2016 because that's connects , wifi qualcomm atheros qca9377 driver version again, thank you.

Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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