Open Letter to Microsoft - Microsoft Community

dear microsoft,

i've been watching pc load edge cache files search indexer last half hour or forty 5 minutes or so. that's stupid. last month turned off backups because trigger whenever ran program haven't run in couple of weeks, often. or trigger every morning well. speaking, while i'm not sure i'm happy manufacturer pc, i'm pretty sure getting new 1 wouldn't fix anything. last night killed compattelrunner because had been running hour or so. that's stupid. i'm not big fan of ms sending information have loaded on pc , i'm less of fan of taking on pc hour so. watch disk access processes , can't begin tell number of times have read every single file in windows office directory. , chrome directory. , every directory of every program i've ever installed, numbers 50 or so. please set test case of pc has 50 plus different applications installed , see how system performs when run 1 different program day. i'm sure astonished, , embarrassed, @ poor response , performance of hard work.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures / PC


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