windows 10 windows update keeps turning it self back on after i turn - Microsoft Community

i not want hear how should leave on or how has gotten better or how can set time reboots want turned off , want stay damn way. date in last 2 weeks have disabled in service 20 damn times , has turned self on every damn time. has started happening want off , want stay off. computer tech 25 years experience , nonsense can not have computer work way want to. how heck turn nonsense off perm?

moved from:  windows / windows 10 / windows settings

the thing can (afaik) postpone updates 7 days in settings.

"i computer tech 25 years experience , nonsense can not have computer work way want to."

if you really mean that, why using windows @ all? (or macos matter...)

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows update, recovery, & backup


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