Windows 10 Wi-Fi Driver Crashing - Microsoft Community

i've been using windows 10 since released on lenovo x1 carbon. i've had no problems wi-fi on corporate network, hotel networks , verizon mi-fi device. switched zte mf920vs mi-fi device , wi-fi driver crashed 50% of time. connected , realize no longer have connection. when click on network icon in lower right corner, there no option wi-fi. when run trouble shooting says has gone wrong wi-fi driver. trouble shooting not resolve problem. rebooting windows 10 fixes issue. don't zte mi-fi.

my computer using intel dual band wireless ac-7265 device. according windows, i'm running latest driver.

any suggestions?

hi kevin,

there may few reasons why wifi driver crashing. in order resolve issue, may use troubleshooting steps suggested in link below. feel free skip steps using troubleshooter , updating driver since have done these. may proceed other steps issue fixed.

fix network connection issues in windows 10.

kindly post result assist further.


Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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