Numeric keypad will not work in Excel - Microsoft Community

i started having problem numeric keypad while using excel, quickbooks, , few other programs. can use numbers above keys numeric keypad move cells in excel. numlock on , using windows 10. numeric keypad work in simple chat programs.

i have updated windows updates.

hi rodney,

when mentioned numeric keys on keyboard not functioning right, can think of 1 thing. function of numeric keys move mouse pointer of computer. function can turned on part of ease of access windows. in cases, main reason why many users reporting numeric keys not working when want type number. regarding this, can check if function move mouse pointer turned on on computer. kindly follow steps below:

  1. in cortana, type control panel , press enter.
  2. click ease of access.
  3. click ease of access center.
  4. look make keyboard easier use.
  5. make sure turn on mouse keys doesn't have check on box.
  6. click apply to save changes.
  7. click ok.

let know if doesn't resolve issue , further.

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows settings


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