Phantom Homegroup appearing in Windows 10 - Microsoft Community

dear all,

i hope can me.

i had new pc old 1 stopped working. had setup homegroup machine , linked 2 laptops.

i have tried create new homegroup , unfortunately both laptops try , join old homegroup.

i have cleared windows (c:) > windows >serviceprofiles>localservices>appdata>roaming>peer networking folder of files.

then have stopped services (local)

   homegroup provider

   homegroup listener

   peer network resolution protocol

   peer networking grouping

i rebooted machines.

when try set new homegroup, 1 of laptops (a) indicates wants join group other laptop (b). laptop b , pc want create groups.

laptop b , pc using windows 10.

laptop using windows 7.
suggestions on how can rid of phantom homegorup?

many thanks


hi sanjiv,

upon reviewing case we've seen on right track of resolving case. we're missing 1 more step disabling homegroup services after stopping it. highly suggest re-stop homegroup services , make sure disable before rebooting computer.

to disable homegroup services, you'll needing launch services tool , steps on how listed below:

  1. click on start or windows key , type "services" in; then, choose services. services windows should show up.
  2. from there, homegroup provider service under name.
  3. once found it, double-click on , go properties.
  4. from start type drop-down list under properties, select disabled.

when restart computer , before creating new homegroup, make sure have disjoined computer homegroup in laptop , b.

let know happens after following suggestion.

Windows / Windows 10 / Network & internet


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