OnePlus One Bluetooth Problem with Windows 10 - Microsoft Community

my oneplus 1 phone not connect windows 10 laptop via bluetooth.  i suspect it's windows driver issue.  i have removed , re-paired phone many times.  each time, both phone , computer show while pairing process ongoing, phone connected laptop via bluetooth.  once pairing process finished, , receive message phone's bluetooth connection ready use, connection drops , 2 devices not connect.  while phone showed paired in bluetooth settings page, not appear in bluetooth list of devices in action center.  the phone pair other bluetooth devices.  i have updated bluetooth driver, , dell informs me drivers on computer date.  

thanks can shed on this.

hi dafeebs trying bluetooth pairing? file transfer, mirroring phone or else? based on answer there maybe app phone provider , make sure it's windows10 compatible

Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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