BSOD when lockscreen - Spotlight is turned on - Microsoft Community

i have asus x299a prime motherboard intel i9 cpu plus asus 1070 gtx  graphics card.

i have installed windows 10 creator 1703 build 15063.608 , had bsod problems on 2 separate installs

on same hardware configuration, when lock screen set spotlight.

took me lot of  time find out culprit. has found same problem , solution.

[moved from: windows / windows 10 / windows settings / pc ]

hi auggy

thanks replying. have updated bios week ago. remembered 5 year ago, slowed down ram in bios setting , fixed bsod on previous computer, have done again on new computer , far good.

i keep posted on out come.


Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures / PC


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