automatically switch language - Microsoft Community


we  have next problem:

our application based on powerbuilder 11.5, using winapi function  shell_notifyicon  is, know send notification our application(in timer event). so, when users type text in controls of our application and shell_notifyicon  triggers input language changes's because shell_notifyicon  using thread?

//structure fill info for shell_notifyicon

str_data.cbsize =  notifyicondata_size

lstr_data.hwnd = handle(aw_window)
lstr_data.uid = 1
lstr_data.uflags = nif_icon + nif_tip + nif_message
lstr_data.ucallbackmessage = pbm_custom01
lstr_data.hicon = this.of_loadimage(as_imagename, aui_index)
lstr_data.sztip = aw_window.title

if lstr_data.hicon = 0 return false

// add icon system tray
if shell_notifyicon(nim_add, lstr_data) then
// make window invisible
return true
return false
end if




we want know more issue experiencing. please answer following:

  • what specific application having issues?
  • could provide detailed information concern?

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows settings


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