Windows 10 Creators Fall Update - Microsoft Community

i installed fall update last night.

after downloaded , installed, logged in account.

my desktop missing more half apps.  task bar pinned has vacant spots.  start menu, same thing; of tiles gone.  looked @ apps in start menu, , half or more missing.

i sent settings , clicked on apps there, , listed; still installed on computer, can't access them desktop.

in new cortana search box, there button says "apps".  pushed that, type in missing app (like groove) , open.

however, there no icon on task bar or start menu, , still not listed in apps in start menu.  once closed, app disappears desktop.  when had open, there no option pin task bar or start menu.

has else had problem?

moved from: windows / windows 10 / windows update, recovery, & backup

these probaby still downloading in store settings under downloads , updates. check there now.

if can't expedite them there, try fixes here:

hope helps. feel free ask questions , let know how goes. i'll keep working until resolved.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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