USB Ports And All Drivers Hve Dissappeared since updates yester day. - Microsoft Community

all external drives , usb ports have stopped working since yesterdays update!

all data, drivers, os devices have stopped.

what doing ? can no longer use pc used to0!

please rectify!

windows 10 has become biggest disaster in computing!

please advise me return email intend disaster pc right not info , backup ican"t because on external hard drive no longer recognised!

colin morrison

nb cannot even  re-install windows 8.1 again @ all.

are prepared replace pc stuufing completely!!!!!!!!!

*email account removed privacy*

**personal information deleted moderator. please see microsoft community asked questions more information on how can protect privacy.**

i have same problem.  re-input original set disc printer solved problem , similar exercise solved camera upload cannot likewise external portable hard drive no longer recognised pc , is, therefore, rendered useless.  i suspect i find other missing drivers in due course none listed in my disk management file.

like tried reset computer date previous windows update have made impossible achieve.  in crap service.

Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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