Mic Doesn't work! - Microsoft Community

i started building first gaming pc in june , finished 2 days later.  have these turtle beach px24 gaming headset mic works on phone , xbox mic doesn't work on pc.  when plug in rear panel can hear audio mic doesn't work. tried every port , 1 of them can hear audio mic doesn't work audio. , this, front panel ports don't work.  tired different headphones mic doesn't on of them.  should front panel , mic. rear panel can hear audio in front can't hear anything. mic doesn't work in of panels.

hi nicholas,

for narrow down concern headset mic, know following:

  • were there changes made on computer prior issue (e.g., updates, software installation)?
  • is first time experienced issue?
  • are getting error messages? if yes, exact error message (a screenshot appreciated)?
  • to make sure have not missed on anything, troubleshooting steps have done far?

we forward response.

Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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