Weird E:\ directory and G:\ Directory on same SD card - Microsoft Community

have sd card friend download sort of linux distro on raspberry pi, reason stopped accepting input usb devices. plugged computer, , selected , dragged recycle bin. next used poweriso extract disc image onto sd card, , once did that, plugged raspberry pi, , nothing happened. got 4 raspberrys , blank screen otherwise except cursor, (that couldn't type into!) decided delete , @ contents see if there communication between computer , sd card, , when deleted there e:\ directory, named boot. strangely enough, there directory f:\ blank , 4 gb in size, , called usb drive, made sense sd card because hooked computer via usb adapter, 4gb, while sd card 16gb, , have nothing else connected usb ports rather keyboard mouse, working fine. tried doing format on couple of times, first being quick format , other not being quick format. none of them worked, assumed if deleted on it, rid of e:\ drive, didn't. yeah, need buy whole new sd card or there can do? thanks!

hi evan,

there possibility sd card not reformatted or corrupted. can reformat sd card other computer or use other sd card.

feel free post results.

Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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