Volume climbs to 100 automatically. - Microsoft Community

every time wake laptop sleep or restart it, volume automatically climbs 100. , yes, mean climbs not jumps. if try manually change volume via slider, go down level, , climb right up. way stop continuously climbing press key (any key). however, has key on laptop. doesn't work if using usb keyboard. adjustable. have tried rolling realtek drivers uninstalling , reinstalling them. started doing recently, , can't think of have caused this. appreciated.

hi samdapper, andre microsoft community. lets see if can problem resolved. 1. right-click sound icon in notification area select sounds. 2. select playback tab, right click on speakers select properties. 3. go enhancements tab, uncheck disable sound effects. 4. uncheck immediate mode @ top of list. best, andre windows insider mvp mvp-windows , devices http://twitter.com/adacosta

Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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