Issue removing son's profile to enable re-adding - Microsoft Community

i have bought new laptop son. initial install of user account (as standard user admin account) went wrong reasons don't understand. hadn't used account seemed easier remove , re-add.

i have removed using user account tool, removed local folder, , removed registry.

however whenever try re-add account windows throws error , says can't user exists on machine.

where else there traces of corrupted user account linked son's email address?

thanks in advance

hi craig,

you need user account use windows, , if share single pc other people, each person should have own account. each person can customize account own settings , preferences, desktop background or screen saver. recommend following these steps delete user account in windows 10:

  1. open settings, , click/tap on the accounts icon.
  2. click on family & other people on left side, click account want delete on right side, , click on remove.
  3.  click on delete account , data to confirm.
  4. close settings.

let know if need other assistance.


Windows / Windows 10 / Windows settings / PC


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