Bluetooth Mouse Problem in WIn 10 Creators - is there a solution? - Microsoft Community


as known there came big problems blutooth mice in "creators update". has been said problems have been patched in later updates. unfortunately doesn't seem case me.

i have surface pro 3 microsoft designer bluetooth mouse. since creators update mouse doesn't work anymore.

here have tried:

- it's not problem of mouse or it's battery. have 2 identical mice. both work on other computers not on 1 windows 10 since creators update.

- doesn't reconnect mouse in control panel. they're shown als "connected" there don't work anyway.

- windows 10 has latest updates

- bluetooth troubleshooter doesn't anything

- uninstalling "micorsoft bluetooth mouse" device manager doesn't help

what can do?

have tried unpairing bluetooth mouse in start > settings > devices > bluetooth, restart, try pairing again? if not help, might want rollback anniversary update until known resolution becomes available.

Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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