Black screen when I switch users on Windows 10 - Microsoft Community

i have multiple users on dell precision tower 7910 running windows 10 version 1703 build 15063.540. 

it seems 90% percent of time when switch users, doesn't matter how (log off, switch user, etc), end sitting @ black screen of death , end having hard power down system. have tried couple random fixes related background permissions found on technet nothing has helped far. can me troubleshoot this?


black screen issues can related display drivers, updates, or connection issue. resolve this, can let know if issue happens before or after sign in windows 10? initial troubleshooting step, suggest refer support article on how troubleshoot black screen issues. can choose option applies concern , follow troubleshooting steps suggested.

let know if there else. we'll glad help.

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows Hello, lock screen & sign-in / PC


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