Partition Type (id) different in Windows 10 Format vs Windows - Microsoft Community

partition type (e.g. partition id) differently set "format" command (fat) between win 7 , win 10. why there such inconsistency, bug?

  1.  format removable drive (e.g., usb) on win 7 (use fat) , check partition type using diskpart  commands. see  the partition type (e.g. partition id) 0x06.

     2.  next format card in removable drive in win 10.  you see  the partition type (e.g. partition id) 0x0e.

this causes problem when moved application win 7 win 10. sw formatting (via os  api:   fmifs.dll (file manager installable file system)) partition type on windows 10 ends different on windows  7. need (required) partition type 0x06 in windows 7. 

i know diskpart allows change partition type (e.g. partition id) via set id. however,  did not find api (i.e. change partition table entry) after formatting. is there way change partition id  programmatically?



quicker , more in-depth answer, please post question msdn developer forum . . .

Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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