windows 10 update causing computer to constantly repeat - Microsoft Community

win10 updated on 12/13/2017.  shortly thereafter noticed applications when started flash on , off, never opening.  restarted computer , keeps restarting.  lets me log in after loads desktop icons, pops window saying "windows has encountered problem , needs restart.  please close box save work."  have nothing save because can't , computer restarts.  , repeats time , time again.  i've turned off , restarted same results.  going use system restore can't program run it.  know hard drive fine & can see folders can't access them.  can access windows explorer files once close window can't open computer restarts within minute of closing box.

need help!  thank you!


hi tom,

have noticed thread has been idle while now.

have tried neilpzz's suggestion? how did go?

we'll waiting update.


Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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