Fast Start-up Breaks computers - Microsoft Community

dear microsoft,

i run small computer repair shop.

in feb / mar year, flabbergasted introduction of hidden, fast start-up bug had been introduced and, more specifically, implications of never closing down windows.

over course of past 8 months or so, have arrived @ peoples houses solve printing issues, problems accessing internet , other weird , wonderful woes.  solution, in every case, disable fast start-up, close down computer , start up.

this feature bug has caused machines run slowly, stuck in update loops , other oddities.

i should grateful; have given me more work...

anyway, have standing procedure @ shop: every windows 10 machine see, whatever reason, have fast start-up switched off. 


my laptop has upgraded 1709.

i have closed down machine , noticed indication wrong:  screen goes black, hard disk contrinues operate 5 or 7 seconds.

i check , have re-eneabled fast start-up

how dare you

if fast start-up exists , disabled, i have disabled it.  cannot re-enable without telling me. 

that deceitful. 

that interfereing environment.

you might change background picture 1 of windows dev team.

please don't fiddle pc. 

and please either rid of stupid feature - after making os - or fix it!  , tell have fixed it.

thank you


community forum. nobody representing microsoft here. if desire make speech, have succeeded. if desire express moral outrage microsoft, open settings app in windows 10 , click on 1 of many feedback links scattered throughout.

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows settings


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