All browsers crash when trying to download files - Microsoft Community

split thread.

i have similar issue, happens when tried download anything, if try download file crash, if try download image crash, kind of file (pdf, image, doc, exe, zip, etc etc etc etc etc) crash and crash and crash!!! , happen browsers i'm sure windows problem, maybe update, didn't install new updates installed time, tried download files chrome, ie, edge, opera, firefox, vivaldi and browsers crash n crash n crash if try download anything...

please help us to patch serious problem, don't want format laptop, tired install programs again.


if open paint and try save new image, crash

if open word, visio, etc , save, it works correctly

maybe update i/o api? , related .net fx version?, because have installed several versions of .net fx, i'm developer..


**moved to:  windows / windows 10 / network & internet**

hi carlos,

missing or corrupted system files can cause of browsers crash. can due to software conflicts occur when install program or update or when run program in windows 10. suggest run troubleshooter windows apps. can try perform clean boot in windows using minimal set of drivers , startup programs.

if issue still not resolved after running the troubleshooter windows apps , performing clean boot. recommend use system file checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files.

let know if have other questions.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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