Windows Update - Drivers installed Find out more page loads no - Microsoft Community

why windows update install drivers devices don't own , have no furtherinformation on them strikes me odd? shed light ?

mediatek inc. - other hardware - mediatek usb port

logitech - other hardware - logitech usb input device

realtek semiconductor corp. - net - 5/3/2017 12:00:00 - 2023.54.331.2017

hewlett-packard - usb - 1/19/2015 12:00:00 -

more info page on msft

driver information

driver information: coming
thank using windows update. more information feature not available yet. apologize inconvenience.

hi flynn,

in windows 10, when update available drivers automatically downloaded , installed on computer. if want disable automatic updates drivers, suggest follow these steps:

  1. press start button.
  2. open settings, , click on update & security icon.
  3. select on windows update on left side, , tap on advanced options link under update settings on right side.
  4. uncheck include driver updates when update windows under choose how updates installed want.
  5. you can close settings if like.

let know results , if have further queries feel free post back.

Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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