Problem with Xbox 360 controller on Windows 10 - Microsoft Community



for few days have problem wireless xbox360 controller on windows 10 pro 64-bit (compilation 15063.483). still few days ago workes fine, able turn on , turn off controller into way, , system saw controller. unfortunately controller works fine after system starts, until controller turned off (removing battery or after 10 min of inactivity) , when try re-enable controller, system doesn't see controller (however diode work on controller) or see (and not work) if try open properties in games controllers information isn't connected. additionaly, there no sound of connection new device when re-connecting controller. helps disconnect , reconnect receiver usb, on controller diode changing next (eg. light #1, after first reconnection of receiver, lights #2, next #3 , #4. later is no light). this quite annoying because after controller turn off, need restart game because pad not decteded again. doesn't installing software xbox 360 controller, doesn't format c:\, , doesn't pressing pairing buttons.


does using xbox 360 wireless controller? have similar problems? maybe knows how solve this?


we appreciate time responding , engaging here in community. concern specific xbox controller , suggest post concern xbox forums advanced troubleshooting fix issue.


Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC


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