OneDrive Causing BSOD: APC_INDEX_MISMATCH (Windows 10 - Microsoft Community


i've figured out root of bsod; when onedrive enabled, bsod occurs within seconds. bsod message displayed apc_index_mismatch.  i've tried various methods of repair no avail.

this on windows 10 ent 1709 (os build 06299.125)

has else experienced issue?



hi kevin,

apc_index_mismatch commonly caused file system or driver has mismatched sequence of calls disable , re-enable apcs (asynchronous procedure calls). before proceed, ask information you. kindly respond questions below:

  1. can tell more 'various methods of repair' have made resolve problem? know , avoid duplication of efforts on end.
  2. are there drivers identified in blue screen error message?
  3. since using windows 10 enterprise, connected within domain network?

we forward response.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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