Issue with windows 10 - Microsoft Community


wondering if can windows 10 issue

my pc has been working fine weeks now

suddenly, on last few days developed issue seems getting progressively worse

basically, desktop , taskbar icons keep freezing cannot click on anything

even when starting , choosing account, seems stop working

the way can account tabbing through , pressing return

once in, able click on 1 application launch it

after doing this, again taskbar , desktop icons stop working

i cannot launch single app now

what can press ctrl, alt, delete , start task manager

once has started, icons work again

but, again, once i've launch stop working until launch task manager again

also, when in word, ability click on literally stops after while - again, task manager fixes this

i've noticed if go chrome or ie, seems work if leave few seconds automatically goes previous screen or, if scrolling down page take me top

as of today, ie seems have stopped altogether

it launches closes immediately

i've tried creating , using new account - hard work setting kept freezing got there

no success

i've virus scanned couple of time - no problems

i've run pc repair (reimage tool) through

it found couple of app issues no real problems

cpu, memory , disk relatively low

has seen before?

any thoughts please can't use @ moment - typing on laptop shut browser down part way through on pc!


have restart windows explorer because of freeze ups.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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