Network problems - Microsoft Community

hp pavillion laptop updated few days ago , unable use airprint ipad or iphone, upon searching web discovered airprint wouldn't work on public network, i'm sure in sleep deprived state after update set internet public, ive spent hours playing settings , managed set network private again still unable use airprint, in addition when go on printers ip address , try access of settings there cant on https pages, in internet explorer saying:  there problem website's security certificate, on chrome error message was: net:err_cert_authority_invalid both of these have stopped happening still cant access menus, i'm @ wits end it, can help?

hi lorraine,

failure access printer settings , inability perform wireless printing may arise due outdated driver. isolate concern, we'd ask following:

  • are getting error messages when printing files mobile device?
  • are able print files pc? if not, getting error messages?

as initial step, suggest run printer troubleshooter found on link automatically scan , fix error preventing printer work properly. in addition, link includes steps on how update device driver.

we'll appreciate if can send update.

Windows / Windows 10 / Network & internet


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