Microsoft Update Killed PC - Microsoft Community

last night (8/6/17) downloaded microsoft update. made speakers sound tinny , distorted. programs take longer open, , videos choppy decreased quality. frustrated, rolled updates. have no sound whatsoever, , pc programs non-functional. 

what **** did microsoft pc, , how fix it?

...and before tech support asks, yes, did restart pc , yes, did update drivers, , yes, did use built-in windows troubleshooters. 

i want easy fix because need pc online asap. it's 1 have, , use everything, including personal business.

thanks in advance.

edit: uninstalled drivers using procedure:

after restarting hundredth time, took , things working again. such pain!


we glad know able resolve issue uninstalling drivers. other community members find helpful.

if have issues in future, feel free post on microsoft community.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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