Unsubscribe from site - Microsoft Community

for god's sake - , mine - how hell unsubscribe site.  not thread.  whole site.  web sites put simple 'unsubscribe' link @ bottom of page - click it, thank you, , on life.

words effect 'on question - click on ellipsis - .....' - don't me.  question ??  ellipsis - hell talking them ??  not possible provide straightforward way of unsubscribing ??

down below there box marked category - gives list of several subjects -  surface, bing, office etc etc.  mean nothing me.  email came *** email address removed privacy ***' - pray tell me category related ??

i choose windows.  windows 10.  i'm faced windows topic.  please - want unsubscribe !!  i'm forced select topic.  family, mixed reality, pc projection , continuum, , on.  kid not - check yourself.  i'll pick 'family' - whatever that's supposed mean.


better understand concern, need additional formation. kindly answer following questions below:

  • are trying sign out answers.microsoft.com?
  • would stop getting email notification recent thread activity answers.microsoft.com?

if you'd stop getting email notification recent thread activity, follow steps below unsubscribe thread.

  1. click (. . .) @ bottom of original post.
  2. click unsubscribe.

we'll keep eye out response.

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows settings


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