BSOD with memory dump BugCheck 119, {1, 34f70d, 34f72a, - Microsoft Community

one of user bluescreen often.  uploaded dmp file in!amucc9cq9jjaghuumep_jiewdxaq

i have updated bios , video drivers not fix issue. 

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*                        bugcheck analysis                                    *
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use !analyze -v detailed debugging information.

bugcheck 119, {1, 34f70d, 34f72a, ffffc90cb2112010}

*** error: module load completed symbols not loaded dxgmms2.sys
*** error: module load completed symbols not loaded igdkmd64.sys
page f40 not present in dump file. type ".hh dbgerr004" details
page f40 not present in dump file. type ".hh dbgerr004" details
page f40 not present in dump file. type ".hh dbgerr004" details
page f40 not present in dump file. type ".hh dbgerr004" details
page f40 not present in dump file. type ".hh dbgerr004" details
page f40 not present in dump file. type ".hh dbgerr004" details
caused : dxgmms2.sys ( dxgmms2+1a8e3 )

hi joo,

the error message received indicates not able analyze dump file data missing. can try , find dump file in c:\windows\memory.dmp or c:\windows\minidump again?

the dump file shared 800 mb , highly unusual dump, still possible.

also, kindly check article , follow steps listed throughout. blue screen errors documented , article contain helpful information.

let know how results go.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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