BSOD DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE 0x0000009f - Microsoft Community

currently getting below bsod. looking assistance in pinpointing problem. have been told hard drive functions in other computers have been unable verify if true or not.

dump file         : 082317-24000-01.dmp
crash time        : 8/23/2017 11:14:48 pm
bug check string  : driver_power_state_failure
bug check code    : 0x0000009f
parameter 1       : 00000000`00000004
parameter 2       : 00000000`0000012c
parameter 3       : ffffe000`2931f800
parameter 4       : ffffd000`adf469b0
caused driver  : ntoskrnl.exe
caused address : ntoskrnl.exe+147486
file description  : nt kernel & system
product name      : microsoft® windows® operating system
company           : microsoft corporation
file version      : 10.0.10586.1007 (th2_release.170706-2002)
processor         : x64
crash address     : ntoskrnl.exe+147486
stack address 1   :
stack address 2   :
stack address 3   :
computer name     :
full path         : c:\windows\minidump\082317-24000-01.dmp
processors count  : 4
major version     : 15
minor version     : 10586
dump file size    : 330,940
dump file time    : 8/23/2017 11:16:49 pm

dmp files.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures / PC


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