Problem with my computer screen resolution - Microsoft Community

i have problem screen resolution.

about 2 weeks ago turned on computer , noticed screen looked in smaller resolution when go settings change resolution see highest lets me go 1400 x 1050. know, before, screen resolution 1600 x 1200 not option when try change resolution. have tried update windows didn't change problem. please fix problem!!


this following method has worked people correct display adapter distortions associated recent windows driver update. 


courtesy of kenw_3132’s  modified

1. right click start menu


2. right click device manager


3. left click , expand display adapter


3a. right click on your listed driver.


4. right click  update driver


5. left click on browse computer driver software


6. left click on let me pick list of available drivers on computer


7. brings list of drivers looking clicked on , installed driver , working fine now.



courtesy of kenb_3132 found below.

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows settings


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