Windows 10 Taskbar flickering - Microsoft Community

hey guys have isuss windows 10 
when send files to recycle bin taskbar flickering ...! 
, is flickering alone !!!
i5 4690k
8g ram 
240 ssd windows
gtx 1070 
please !!! :( 

hi sofia,

when component of operating system has been missing or corrupted, computer function in unusual behavior. recycle bin , taskbar are both features of windows has component files in system folders. make sure files in healthy state, imperative repair or restore them since part of windows.

there’s built-in utility called system file checker tool helps users perform scanning, repairing, , restoring of missing or corrupted files of computer. can visit link know how run sfc tool.

get if there findings after scan.

Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures


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