i share problem wifi disappeared never there, problem facing since updated creators update 1703.
here solutions tried:
1. tried network reset settings.
2. tried uninstalling reinstalling wifi device device manager.
3. tried reboot.
4. tried updating driver.
why think my wifi hardware working:
1. it's showing in device manager.
2. it's working fine on ubuntu.
what happened:
1. found how problem happens on pc especially, turned off the wifi network in taskbar , after time removes there.
some more images explaining problem:
1. not showing wifi in settings
2. shows wifi device in device manager:
i facing problem second time now, hope gets resolved.
i know can solve problem resetting windows don't want that.
thank earliest reply me solve problem else have reinstall windows 10 1607 anniversary update.
have router? have had power failure, short one? did reset modem or modem?
Windows / Windows 10 / Devices & drivers / PC
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